FTP Manager
What's an FTP Manager? How much useful is it when it comes to maintaining an Internet site?
Connecting to your website content via FTP will be quick and easy. You will be able to upload/download files & directories with only a few mouse clicks. Besides administering the entire content, you can also offer other people access to a given part of your web hosting account without providing them with access to your Control Panel where they can view private emails or other sensitive information they are not supposed to. You can do this by setting up a different FTP account that they can use to access only one directory within the hosting account. This option is particularly handy if you work with different web designers or if you use a website building app such as FrontPage or Dreamweaver to run multiple Internet sites at the same time, since you can have a different FTP account for each site or each person. In this case, it’s essential to be able to manage your FTP accounts without hassles.
FTP Manager in Web Hosting
If you open a
web hosting account with our company, you will get access to the super-powerful FTP Manager, that is included in our in-house built Hepsia web hosting Control Panel. The tool comes with several different options, apart from the ability to set up or delete FTP accounts. You will be able to check the access path associated with each account and by clicking it, you can alter it so that the account will access another folder. Auto-configuration files can be downloaded too, so you won’t need to configure anything manually – you can just download the specific file for CyberDuck, Core FTP or FileZilla and install it on your PC. To make the administration itself easier, the FTP Manager will allow you to see all the accounts that you have created in alphabetical order, on the basis of either the access path or the username.
FTP Manager in Semi-dedicated Hosting
When you open a
semi-dedicated server account with us, you’ll be able to make use of different options that are available in the FTP Manager section of our next-generation Hepsia Control Panel. You can set up a brand new FTP account and select what folder it will access with only a few clicks via a simple-to-use GUI. A list of all the accounts that you have created will be displayed in the exact same section too and, for the sake of convenience, you can sort them by access path or username in ascending or descending order, so you will be able to easily find the account that you want. Changing the access path for an existing FTP account is as simple as clicking on it and selecting the new path, while removing an account or changing its password requires one single click too. With the FTP Manager, you can also download configuration files for commonly used desktop software programs such as FileZilla and CyberDuck.